Apply for a Space Fill out the form below and we will contact you with your space number and instructions on how to set up your account to pay monthly. Application for a Storage Space Short Date * What size space do you need? 14 x 35 14 x 70 (Pull Through) More than one space, explain: More than one space, explain: First and Last Name * Email * Street Address, City, State, Zip * Telephone No Cell Phone * Government Issued ID * State Issuing ID * SSN * Date of Birth * Upload a Photo of Your Government Issued ID Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Required upload size: .5MB - 5MB Employer Employer Address, City, State, Zip Employer Phone Vehicle 1 to be Stored The Vehicle Stored is identified as follows: Vehicle Motorcycle Vessel Trailer Vehicle 1 Year Vehicle 1 Make Vehicle 1 Model Color License No./Hull No. State VIN/Serial No. Name on Title Name on Registration Lien Holder on Vehicle 1 Lien Holder Vehicle 1 Address Property Liened 1 Amount of Lien Proof of Insurance: Company Name Agent's Name Policy No. Please Upload 3 Photos of the Vehicle, with one Including the License Plate Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Required upload size: .5MB - 5MB Please Upload a Copy of the Vehicle Registration and Proof of Insurance Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 5.24MB Do you have more than one vehicle to store? If Yes, give us a short description. We will need all the same information on the contract. We will review your information, assign you a space and send a contract back to finalize information and sign. We will also send information on how to add your credit or debit card for autopay. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.